
Avoid Electric Shock After an Accident

Car accidents are scary. And they can be even scarier if they involve a utility pole that is charged with electricity! Reduce the risk of shock after a vehicle-utility pole crash with these safety rules:

  • If you have hit a pole, stay inside the vehicle and call 911 from your cell phone or yell for help.
  • Never leave the vehicle until a utility line crew arrives to de-energize the line and tell you when it is safe. Keep any passengers inside the car, too!
  • In the rare case of a fire, jump out of the vehicle as far as possible and land with both feet on the ground. Then, shuffle or hop away keeping both feet touching the ground simultaneously.
  • Never touch any downed pole or wire. Always assume energized electricity is running through them.
  • Stay clear from all areas near any downed poles and/or wires - including the ground, a car, tree or rooftop.
  • If you witness a pole accident, or need to repot a downed wire, call your local electric company as soon as possible!

Safety rules provided by Pepco, a PHI Company providing electric service in Washington, D.C., and parts of Maryland.